The science behind success

The importance of agency and self-efficacy in promoting physical activity has been widely recognized. Developing a routine, receiving support, and gaining recognition are all key factors in building self-efficacy. Allowing students to set their own goals and preferences is also critical to success. Educators who provide timely support, accountability, and encouragement can significantly increase compliance, repeated participation, and self-efficacy.

Student inactivity crisis

The GoGet.Fit technology piloted in two school districts has successfully increased student physical activity levels by over 250%, while also improving student well-being. By using the platform's 29 behavioral change tools, students are empowered to set personal goals, plan self-directed exercises, and receive recognition and support from their teachers. Early successes are critical to establishing ownership and increasing student self-efficacy for physical activity, which can lead to lifelong behaviors as active adults.

Code Red & Code Critical

Schools play a crucial role in establishing healthy lifestyles and well-being for students. However, before the pandemic, 65-80% of students were not engaging in the recommended amount of physical activity, and the pandemic has worsened this inactivity crisis. Inactivity results in an increased incidence of serious physical and mental health issues, which may lead to lifelong incapacitation and increased mortality and morbidity. Therefore, addressing the issue of inactivity in schools is critical for students' future health outcomes and well-being.

The solutions

PHIT Canada Schools aims to empower students to make healthy lifestyle choices by providing them with opportunities to gain ownership and agency over their health while navigating the school years. Research shows that self-efficacy and habit-formation are critical factors in establishing lifelong healthy habits. The PHIT Canada - Healthy Habits Start Here® partnership, powered by GoGet.Fit®, offers a scalable solution that supports students in pursuing self-initiated, self-directed activities at home with the help of their teachers. By establishing healthy habits early on, students are more likely to become active, healthier adults.


As a non-profit, donations and in-kind support enable us to work towards our goal of developing a foundation over students health that is lifelong.


Starting the journey towards a healthier lifestyle can seem daunting, but there are resources available to help you along the way.



Our success team is dedicated to working with partners to create a lasting impact on student health, and support the journey along the way.